Courage and perseverance for startups

Courage and perseverance for startups

ShareYourSpace Sharing for the office world of space and rooms for more flexibility


Please briefly introduce yourself and the startup ShareYourSpace to our readers!

ShareYourSpace was founded in 2019 by Christian Ehl, of Commerz Real AG (asset manager of the Commerzbank Group) and myself, CEO of the startup. We translate the Airbnb principle into the office world by connecting space owners and space seekers with a focus on flexibility. My personal background: Business administration at WHU, in France and the USA, doctorate in psychology at Friedrich Schiller University, among other things, former CEO of the NEMETSCHEK Group (TechDax), MD of AIS Management, entrepreneur, Battlefield Real Estate - Software - Web.


Why did you decide to start a company?

ShareYourSpace is not my first start-up, but it is the company with the most important topic for me and society. Sharing areas and rooms not only brings flexibility to offices and work environments. It also provides the strongest possible leverage for more sustainability in the real estate industry: areas are better utilized, resources and the environment are protected. ShareYourSpace contributes to climate protection!


What is the vision behind ShareYourSpace?

Boosting Flexibility + Sustainability In The Office World!


From the idea to the start, what have been the biggest challenges so far and how have you financed yourself?

Challenges: Increasing awareness and reach and allaying office owners' concerns about third parties in the area. Financing: Funds from the founders and other investors with digital and industry expertise


Who is ShareYourSpace's target group?

ShareYourSpace is a marketplace and on the supply side for everyone with an office, meeting space, conference room. Whether owner or tenant, company or private individual, administration, hotel industry or coworking operator. On the demand side, ShareYourSpace is for everyone looking for office space, workplace or meeting rooms. Whether self-employed, project team or multinational corporate. The benefits for everyone: Maximum flexibility for tenants and landlords. Reduction in space costs or increased income through better space utilization. Opportunity for collaboration and new work. Sustainability at its best.


How does ShareYourSpace work? What are the advantages? What sets you apart from other providers?

The office market is characterized by rigid, long-term rental contracts. Modern working - project teams, startups, new work, dynamic companies - requires cost-efficient, temporally and spatially flexible workspaces. The solution? Offices, workstations, conference rooms, meeting spaces and training rooms are usually not occupied 24/7, but are unused on average up to 70% of the time. For example, due to vacancy, part-time work, out-of-office days, too much space. And ready for plug & work. www.shareyourspace is the platform for everyone who wants to offer or book these temporary spaces. Whether a single desk in the middle of things, an office room or an entire floor. Exclusively or for shared use with others. No matter what time, day or month.

This is not comparable to real estate portals for the brokerage of offices, which traditionally have a long-term rental contract obligation and are mostly dominated by brokers. Contacts are only brokered there, and rentals and lettings are handled outside of the portals. ShareYourSpace is also not a coworking operator that, by its very nature, is limited to certain locations and standardized space products and has to sell them at a relatively high price. Our idea of ​​an office-as-a-service is much more comprehensive: we want to make space available in all locations, at all sites, with all equipment and in all sizes. In addition, the more existing offices are used better, the greater the boost for sustainability.


How has your company changed with Corona?

As a digital company with flexibility in our DNA, our way of working has not fundamentally changed. But of course the shutdown has had a major impact on users of the ShareYourSpace platform.


How have you adapted to this and what changes have you made?

On the platform, we have highlighted workspaces available for booking that are "corona-compatible" due to access and sole use - e.g. as an alternative to working from home.


Where do you see the opportunity in the crisis?

The terrible pandemic is paying off for the ShareYourSpace concept: Firstly, there is a larger, easier to address supply of space, as the landlord market has become a tenant market. Secondly, flexibility is becoming even more important, as traditional rigid, multi-year rental agreements are not very attractive when there is no entrepreneurial planning security. Thirdly, the technical and cultural digitalization push forced by Corona is having a positive effect.


ShareYourSpace, where are we headed? Where do you see yourself in five years?

We will integrate AI. We want and need to go out into the world. And in 5 years, our slogan will hopefully be part of everyday life for many: Be sustainable. Be smart. ShareYourSpace!


Finally: What 3 tips would you give to aspiring founders?

Courage, perseverance, tackle something meaningful!


To the article: Tobias Wagner, CEO ShareYourSpace, in an interview with Sabine Elsässer from StartupValley, 9.6.2020