Work-Life Balance: Tips for a Balanced Life

Work-Life Balance: Tips for a Balanced Life

Work-life balance: tips for a balanced life 

In today's fast-paced and demanding world, it is often a challenge to find a balance between work and private life. Constant availability through smartphones and increasing professional demands make it difficult for many people to set themselves apart and find enough time for relaxation and personal interests. However, a good work-life balance is crucial for physical and mental health as well as general life satisfaction. 

How do you achieve a good work-life balance and how important is the compatibility of family and career to you in today's working life?  


What is work-life balance? 


Work-life balance refers to the relationship between the time and energy invested in work and private life. A healthy work-life balance does not mean that you spend the same amount of time on both areas, but that you balance them satisfactorily without one area negatively affecting the other. 


The importance of work-life balance 

A good work-life balance can reduce stress and minimise various health problems. In addition, a balanced life can increase productivity and creativity in the workplace. Those who are rested and happy can concentrate better on their tasks and work more efficiently. Spending time with family and friends is also important for interpersonal relationships. A good work-life balance promotes stronger and healthier relationships in private life as well as at work. 


Variety in everyday working life with ShareYourSpace 

A good way to improve your work-life balance is to book individual and varied workspaces via our ShareYourSpace platform. These flexible working environments give you the freedom to choose where and when you work. You can choose a workspace that suits your needs, be it close to home, in an inspiring environment or in a place that offers you the necessary distance from everyday life. 

The advantages of an individual workspace booked on ShareYourSpace are obvious: you can minimise distractions, increase your productivity and at the same time create a clear separation between work and private life. This makes a significant contribution to improving your work-life balance. In addition, flexible working models allow you to adapt your working environment to your personal preferences, which can have a positive impact on your motivation and well-being. Take advantage of the opportunities offered by flexible workspaces to achieve a good work-life balance. 


Workspace tips for an improved work-life balance 

A good work-life balance often starts with a well-designed work environment and varied employee offerings for a motivating work culture. Here are three unique workspaces that focus on work-life balance and offer you many benefits. 


1. Ivy Lodge  

This stylish workspace in the centre of Hamburg-Eppendorf places particular emphasis on a good work-life balance. Surrounded by a beautiful garden, this space offers a relaxed atmosphere that is ideal for getting the most out of your working time. The sunlit space creates an inspiring environment for creative meetings and events, while the proximity to nature and the greenery of the garden has a calming effect. 

The available sports equipment and yoga mats not only offer the opportunity for physical activity, but also for a productive balance to the often strenuous working day. A short sports session can not only promote your physical health, but also serve as a team-building activity to strengthen the sense of togetherness within the team.  

Click here for the Ivy Lodge Workspace: 


2. Pro Office 

Urbanity meets nature. This unique workspace in Stuttgart offers a variety of features that can have a positive impact on your work-life balance. Instead of a traditional reception service, you can expect professional staff who will make you feel welcome straight away. Our office supplies shop is always well equipped so that you can concentrate fully on your work. 

Relax in the light-flooded atrium, use the power napping space for a short break or enjoy a cup of coffee in the open-plan kitchen. Recharge your batteries for the rest of the day on the sunny roof terrace and relax on the roof terrace at the end of the day. 

Click here for the Pro Office Workspace: 


3. Togather Space  

Work and enjoy. This workspace offers a quiet and pleasant environment for up to 26 people, with the opportunity to enjoy a culinary experience. For a more cosy atmosphere, there is also a separate room with a large table for up to 12 people. 

Our equipment includes a projector in both rooms, a screen and a printer. Thanks to the variety of rooms and equipment options, the Togather team creates a pleasant working environment that positively influences the work-life balance of our guests for effective working time with a feel-good factor.  

Click here for the Togather Space: 


Further tips for improving your work-life balance 

1. Prioritise 

Identify the most important aspects of your life and set clear priorities. Learn to differentiate between urgent and important tasks and delegate tasks whenever possible. It is crucial that you schedule enough time for the activities that are important to you, be it professionally or personally. By setting clear priorities, you can ensure that you focus your energy on the really important areas of your life and achieve a better balance. 


2. Time management 

Effective time management is essential for a good work-life balance. Create a realistic schedule that takes into account both professional and personal activities. Use techniques such as the Pomodoro method, where you work in intervals and take regular breaks to increase your productivity and avoid overworking. Setting blocks of time for different tasks can also help you to organise your day in a structured and efficient way. By consciously managing your time, you can not only complete your tasks more efficiently, but also gain more time for yourself. 


3. Set boundaries 

Learn to say ‘no’. Set clear boundaries between work and leisure time and stick to them consistently. Switch off your work devices after work and avoid checking work emails. This will help you to switch off mentally and relax. Communicate your boundaries clearly to your colleagues and superiors. By setting clear boundaries, you not only protect your free time, but also create a healthy working environment that will benefit you, your employer and your colleagues in the long term. 


4. Practise self-care 

Take care of your physical and mental health. Regular exercise, a healthy diet and sufficient sleep are important for your well-being. Also plan regular downtime and recovery periods. Make time for hobbies and activities that bring you joy and allow you to relax. Self-care also means paying attention to your emotional needs and giving yourself space for personal development. By taking care of yourself, you can replenish your energy reserves and go into everyday life stronger. 


5. Use flexible working models 

If possible, use flexible working models such as working from home or flexitime. These can help you to better integrate work into your daily routine and make time for private commitments. Flexible working hours can be particularly helpful in shortening your commute and giving you more time for family and leisure. By adapting your working hours to your personal needs, you can significantly improve your quality of life and reduce stress. 


The role of employers 

Employers should promote a corporate culture that supports the work-life balance of their employees. This can be achieved through flexible working hours, the ability to work from home and stress management programmes. Such a culture contributes significantly to employee retention. Managers play a key role in promoting a healthy work-life balance and employee motivation. They can create a supportive environment by acting as a role model and communicating openly. Companies can offer their employees various options to improve their work-life balance, such as fitness programmes, childcare and training opportunities. 


A good work-life balance is crucial for well-being and satisfaction in both professional and private life. By prioritising, managing your time efficiently and getting support from your employer, everyone can lead a balanced life. Ultimately, it's about making conscious decisions that harmonise both professional and personal goals.