Number of the day: 14,8

Number of the day: 14,8

A total of around 14.8 million people work in the office in Germany.

Incidentally, the number of office workers increased by 3 million between 2012 and 2018. Office employment has also increased in the seven largest German cities. So the demand for offices is great. So great that new buildings, including the associated consumption of resources and surface sealing, can be avoided (environmental and climate protection!), It is important to make better use of the existing office space. In fact, offices are underutilized up to 70% of the time. Why? Because nobody needs a desk, an office room, a conference room 24/7. ShareYourSpace is the digital marketplace for temporarily renting or booking free workspaces. No matter what time period, what location, size, equipment. Maximum flexibility! Sharing translated into the real estate industry! Workspace as a service, pay per use. Incidentally, also a good service to find an alternative to the home office, which has been heavily used since the corona pandemic. Be smart. Be sustainable. ShareYourSpace! Here you will find your perfect workspace: ShareYourSpace